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Find answers to our most commonly asked questions here!

Frequently Asked Questions

Which box should I get for my child?

Our subscription boxes are tailored for toddlers (ages 2-3), preschoolers (ages 3-4), and kids preparing for kindergarten (ages 4-5), with activities designed to support their specific developmental stages. Our objectives are specifically based on the Utah Core Standards for Early Learning, which are based on US national standards. If you feel like your child is advanced for their their age, move up a box at any time!

What does a Monthly Learning Box look like?

There is one comprehensive theme each month (ex. Animals), and each week is subdivided into related sub-themes (ex. Reptiles & Amphibians, Birds, Mammals, & Fish). Like many preschool programs our lesson plans provide curriculum and materials for 3 days per week! Each box includes:

- Daily Math Activity

- Daily Literacy Activity

- Daily "Additional" Activity (craft, STEM activity, outdoor exploration, etc.)

- Weekly Lesson Plans (list of activities)

- Daily Lesson plans (list of activities, materials needed, standard objective, how-to instructions)

- All necessary materials (pom-poms, pipe cleaners, googly eyes, toy cars, faux leaves, etc.)

- Recommended Books

- Recommended Songs

- Example teaching moments to introduce daily activities

- Themed ABC worksheets (1 letter focus/week)

- Themed number worksheets (1 number focus/week)

*We assume most homes already have crayons, glue, scissors, etc. See next FAQ for more information.

What supplies do I need?

We assume most households already have crayons/markers, washable paint, glue, and scissors! Check out our Starter Supplies List for our favorite supplies!

How long does it take to prep the activities?

Our goal is to only have you prep 5-10 minutes each day! Most prep simply includes cutting out provided pre-printed materials.

What if I have multiple kids?

Our boxes are designed for one child per box! If you have multiple kids, we recommend getting them each one box.

How often will I receive each box?

You will receive one box per month! If you order before the end of the month, you will be getting the next month's box. (ex. If you order between March 1st and March 31st you will be ordering an April box). We start ship boxes out the last 2 weeks of the month! Please allow 7-10 business days for shipping.

Can I cancel or pause my subscription?

Yes! You can cancel or pause your subscription at any time by logging into your account. We aim to make this as flexible as possible for busy families.

Do I need any teaching experience to use the box?

Not at all! Our lesson plans are easy to follow, and absolutely anyone is qualified to teach their child!

What if my child goes to preschool?

You can still use Sun & Sprout boxes! If you are looking to supplement their learning or simply do some activities to connect with them, Sun & Sprout is your resource for easy learning fun!

How long do the activities take each day?

Our boxes are designed to be flexible and fit your needs! If you just do the activities, the box will take you 10-20 minutes on average each day. Want to have more of the preschool experience? Add our recommended books, songs, wiggle breaks, and teaching moments! You can have this take as long as you want for what is best for your child. If you didn't get to all of your activities today, save them for tomorrow!